Return Policy
Refund Policy
You have 30 days from the date of receipt to return your item for a full refund. Please include your name and order number, as well as why you are returning the item. The item must be in new and unused condition (no signs of wear or damage). Customer is responsible for return shipping costs unless item arrived damaged, in which which case we ask that you contact us immediately. If an item is received after the 30 day policy, or we find signs of wear or damage, the package will be returned to you and no refund will be issued.
If you have any questions regarding our return policy, please use the Contact Us section on the site with your inquiry.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages, you will need to contact USPS for that.
You have 30 days from the date of receipt to return your item for a full refund. Please include your name and order number, as well as why you are returning the item. The item must be in new and unused condition (no signs of wear or damage). Customer is responsible for return shipping costs unless item arrived damaged, in which which case we ask that you contact us immediately. If an item is received after the 30 day policy, or we find signs of wear or damage, the package will be returned to you and no refund will be issued.
If you have any questions regarding our return policy, please use the Contact Us section on the site with your inquiry.
We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages, you will need to contact USPS for that.